Waalaxy's Ambassador Program 🚀 | See Our Results Inside!

Waalaxy's Ambassador Program 🚀 | See Our Results Inside!

Waalaxy is a powerful tool designed to optimize lead generation through LinkedIn and email. It offers a seamless way to contact prospects on both platforms, ensuring higher response rates. Here's a brief overview:

  1. What is Waalaxy?
    • Waalaxy is a tool that allows users to contact prospects on LinkedIn and via email. It is automated, easy to use, and doesn't require any technical skills.
    • The platform is designed to make LinkedIn a primary acquisition channel for businesses and professionals.
  2. How Does It Work?
    • Users can easily find clients on LinkedIn without any technical expertise.
    • The platform allows for the automatic sending of invitations and messages on LinkedIn through automated sequences.
    • It caters to various professionals, including sales/marketers, founders, recruiters, and freelancers.
  3. Features & Benefits:
    • Waalaxy offers multi-channel prospecting, combining both LinkedIn and email outreach.
    • It provides an email finder tool, tracking results, and more.
    • The platform boasts positive reviews from users on platforms like G2, Chrome Store, and Capterra.

The Advantage of Promoting Business Tools as Affiliate Offers:

Business-centric tools like Waalaxy present a golden opportunity for affiliates. Such tools are inherently "sticky" – once businesses integrate them into their daily operations and witness tangible results, they become indispensable. This stickiness ensures a consistent and long-term source of revenue for affiliates.

Moreover, businesses typically have deeper pockets compared to individual consumers. They're willing to invest in tools that drive results, understanding that the ROI will justify the initial expenditure. When a business sees positive outcomes from a tool, they're not just likely, but almost certain, to continue their subscription. This makes SaaS tools for businesses a particularly lucrative niche for affiliate marketers, combining the promise of high commissions with the likelihood of recurring revenue.

Waalaxy's High-Paying Commission Structure

The program offers three different commission structures, each designed to maximize the earning potential of the affiliates:

  1. 50% Commission + 1 Month Free Trial: This option allows you to earn a whopping 50% commission on each payment made by your affiliates. Plus, your affiliates get to enjoy a one-month free trial of Waalaxy, allowing them to discover the power of this tool without any financial commitment.
  2. 30% Commission + 20% Promo Code: With this option, you earn a 30% commission on each payment. To encourage your affiliates to take action and make a purchase, they are provided with a 20% promo code.
  3. 30% Commission + 2-Month Free Trial: This option also offers a 30% commission. However, instead of a promo code, your affiliates get a two-month free trial. This gives them ample time to explore and understand the full potential of Waalaxy before making a purchase.

Additional Benefits

As a Waalaxy ambassador, you can monitor your performance and track your affiliates through the ambassador interface. The payment of commissions is triggered from the first paying affiliate and continues until the end of the contract, which is five years after signing if not renewed.

Note on PPC Bidding:

Affiliates and ambassadors are not allowed to engage in PPC (Pay-Per-Click) bidding, especially using branded keywords related to Waalaxy. This ensures that the brand's online presence and reputation are maintained without any conflicts or misleading advertisements.

Affiliate Program - Our Results

Over the course of our promotional efforts, we successfully drove 289 affiliates to Waalaxy, generating a significant value of €1466.33. However, it's essential to note that while the initial response was promising, the retention rate posed challenges. The drop-off rate of individuals continuing with the platform has been notably high. After a year of running our promotion, we currently have only 5 paying affiliates. Despite this, it's worth highlighting that one-off commissions can be considerably high when individuals opt for the yearly plan.

As illustrated in the provided screenshot, there are instances of commissions amounting to €480 and €200 as one-time payments.

This emphasizes the potential for substantial earnings, even if the number of long-term affiliates remains limited.

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Affiliate Zest

Affiliate Zest

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