PhantomBuster - Lead Generation + Extract lists of leads

PhantomBuster - Lead Generation + Extract lists of leads

PhantomBuster is a platform designed to automate various online tasks, ranging from data extraction to social media operations. It offers a suite of tools that can be used to automate actions on websites like LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and more. By leveraging the power of cloud computing, PhantomBuster allows users to run their automation tasks 24/7, even when their computer is turned off.

How PhantomBuster Works:

  1. Choose a Phantom (Automation Tool): PhantomBuster offers a variety of "Phantoms" which are essentially pre-built automation scripts tailored for specific tasks on specific platforms.
  2. Set Up: Depending on the chosen Phantom, users will be required to provide certain inputs, such as URLs, keywords, or other criteria.
  3. Run the Phantom: Once set up, the Phantom will execute the task. For instance, if you choose a LinkedIn automation, it might extract data from profiles or send connection requests.
  4. Collect Data: After the Phantom runs, users can collect the data it has gathered, usually in formats like CSV or JSON.

PhantomBuster Affiliate Program

PhantomBuster offers an affiliate program that allows individuals or entities to promote the company's services on their websites and social media accounts. In return, affiliates earn a commission for every user they refer who subscribes to a paid plan on PhantomBuster.

Affiliate Program Terms and Conditions:

  1. Affiliate’s Obligations: Affiliates must promote the Company’s services ethically and legally. They must not engage in practices like PPC campaigns using the Company's trademark or URL.
  2. Referral Tracking: PhantomBuster uses a third-party provider to manage and track referrals. Affiliates earn commissions for referrals that result in a subscription within a 90-day cookie period.
  3. Commissions: Affiliates earn a 30% commission for referrals to professional or starter plans and 20% for team or custom plans. Payments are made through PayPal.

Our results....

Based on the provided screenshot information, the affiliate's experience with PhantomBuster's commission system has been varied.

Monthly commissions have fluctuated, typically ranging between $200 to $700. However, there have been instances where an individual opted for a more premium plan, leading to a significant spike in that month's commission.

This variability indicates that while there's a consistent earning potential, there are also opportunities for higher earnings depending on the purchasing choices of the referred users.

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Affiliate Zest

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