Coinrule - Create Trading Bots, Follow Smart Investors

Coinrule - Create Trading Bots, Follow Smart Investors

In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency trading, automation has become a game-changer. Platforms like Coinrule have emerged, offering the ability to create trading bots and follow smart investors without coding. Coinrule works with over ten popular exchanges and prides itself on its military-grade security and encryption. But does this innovative platform offer an affiliate program? Let's find out.

Coinrule: A Brief Overview

Coinrule is a platform that allows users to set custom trading strategies that run 24/7. It seeks out effective market indicators to enable the smart allocation of funds, putting users in control of their investment machine. Coinrule is compatible with popular exchanges like Binance, Coinbase, Kucoin, and Kraken. It doesn't ask for private keys or withdrawal rights, ensuring a safe platform for users to define automated strategies.

The platform also allows users to create rules based on popular indicators, with each direction capable of running as fast as every minute and executing within seconds. New needles are added every week and announced on their blog. Coinrule triggers actions when the market changes, manages volatility and maximizes profits.

Coinrule's Affiliate Program: The Verdict

Coinrule offers a referral program where individuals can invite friends and earn up to $200. To date, 1,452 Coinrulers have collectively earned over $75,295 through this program. On average, users earn $350.54 through referrals. The process is simple: sign up to Coinrule, share the referral link with friends, and earn up to $200 for each friend who subscribes, which is equivalent to 25% of their subscription fee.

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